Hi, I'm Alfio

, Italian | Studying CS & Math @ University of St Andrews

Experience in JS, Rust, Java

What I'm working on

  • Verbena, a powerful JS math function/expression input parser and transcompiler to native code

Some of my projects


A lightweight and fully client-side browser GLSL shader editor, with flexible frame controls and local saving.

Project thumbnail

Quick Graph

My final project for HS computer science, an electron app that can generate data visualizations from spreadsheet files.

Project thumbnail


A Socket.io based chat app with an old-web inspired design and some neat features.

Project thumbnail

More about me

My interest in programming and development started when I was in middle school, interested in making online tools such as a discord bot and an online chat app.

Since then, I've been working primarily in JavaScript, building up experience with Node.js and web frameworks like React and Svelte. However, I've also recently picked up Rust, which is what I plan on focusing on after going through my pending JS projects.

I'm also very interested in math, with a specific affinity for calculus and functions, as well as the more mathematical aspect of programming.

Aside from my areas of study, I'm a massive automotive enthusiast and fan of endurance racing, an avid music listener, and I'm on a weekly radio show for the University of St Andrews' Star Radio!

Feel free to reach out via any of the links at the top if you wanna work with me on something or simply want to chat. :)